Setting up Julia Environment (Mac/OS)

Marc Brittain

1. Download Julia version 0.5

2. Jupyter Notebooks

3. Download course code

4. Installing Homebrew

5. Installing final package dependencies

6. Fixing Bayes Net script

                open ~/.julia/v0.5/BayesNets/src

                plot(Graph(1), ["Empty Graph"])

                plot(DiGraph(1), ["Empty Graph"])

Supplemental Notes

a. Creating python 3.6 environment

This section addresses creating a new python 3.6 environment if you already have Anaconda installed with python 2.

To create a new python environment, run the following code in the command line and follow the instructions:

            conda create -n my_env_name_here python=3.6

Note: You create your own environment name

To activate your new environment run:

            source activate my_env_name_here

Then run the jupyter notebook command to start a python notebook in your new environment