Labs and Facilities

Hands working on a lab component
wind tunnel

AABL Wind and Gust Tunnel

A closed-circuit wind tunnel with two test sections and gust generation capability for tests requiring smooth and uniform flow and atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) wind.
Visit the ABBL webpage

group in anechoic chamber

Anechoic Chamber

The fully anechoic chamber is 15’×15’×12′ in size and has a noise floor of 20 dBA. The facility is suitable for acoustic testing of small devices such as UAVs that generate small flow disturbance.

Icing Tunnel

ISU Icing Research Tunnel (ISU-IRT) has a unique capability to generate supercooled droplet icing and ice crystal environments for atmospheric icing studies.
Visit ISU-IRT webpage

Neutral Buoyancy Tank

The neutral buoyancy tank simulates the microgravity environment of space. The 20-foot by 20-foot tank can also be used to assess space system designs and operations in simulated lunar and Mars gravity.

Two students and professor Dr. Valery Levitas working on component together in lab

Rotational Diamond Anvil Cell

The Rotational Diamond Anvil Cell is a compact device used for in-situ study of high-pressure material transformation and deformation at ISU and synchrotron radiations facilities.

Tornado Simulator

Vertical wind tunnels to simulate translating tornado-like vortex and impinging jet for wind engineering applications.

Faculty laboratories and research groups