This page contains the most recent 4-year plan for undergraduate students in Aerospace Engineering.

Previous 4-year plans that apply to earlier catalogs may be found here: Forms and Documents

First Year

Fall (15 Credits)

Engineering Orientation
Engr 101

English Composition 1
Engl 150
3 Credits

Library Instruction
Libr 160
1 Credit

Engineering Problem Solving
AerE 160/H
3 Credits

Chemistry for Engineers
MChem 167/177
4 Credits

Calculus I
Math 165
4 Credits

Spring (16 credits)

Aerospace Seminar
AerE 192/H

General Education
3 Credits

Numerical and Graphical Techniques
AerE 161/H
4 Credits

Classical Physics I
Phys 231 & 231L
5 Credits

Calculus II
Math 166
4 Credits

Course Groups


General Education

Aerospace Requirement

Chemistry & Physics


Basic Program

Second Year

Fall (17 Credits)

Statics for Engineers
CE 274
3 Credits

English Composition
Eng 250
3 credits

Materials Science and Engineering
MatE 273
3 Credits

Classical Physics II
Phys 232
4 Credits

Multi-Variable Calculus
Math 265
4 Credits

Spring (16 Credits)

Technical Communications
Engl 309/314
3 Credits

Mechanics of Materials
EM 324
3 Credits

Performance and Design
AerE 261
3 Credits

ME 345
3 Credits

Differential Equations
Math 267
4 Credits

Course Groups

Engineering Fundamentals

General Education

Aerospace Requirement

Chemistry & Physics


Third Year

Fall (17 Credits)

Flight Experience
AerE 301

Flight Dynamics and Control
AerE 355
3 Credits

Astrodynamics I
AerE 351
3 Credits

Aerodynamics I
AerE 310
3 Credits

ME 231
3 Credits

Structures Lab
AerE 322
2 Credits

Flight Structures
AerE 321
3 Credits

Spring (18 Credits)

Flight Control Systems
AerE 331
3 Credits

Aerodynamics II
AerE 311
3 Credits

Aero/Propulsion Lab
AerE 344
3 Credits

Aerospace Systems
AerE 362
3 Credits

Advanced Computing
AerE 361
3 Credits

Advanced Flight Structures
AerE 421
3 Credits

Course Groups


Aerospace Requirement

Engineering Fundamentals

Fourth Year

Fall (15 Credits)

General Education
Gen Ed
3 Credits

Aerospace Vehicle Propulsion
AerE 411
3 Credits

Design Methodology
AerE 461
3 Credits

Astronautics Requirement
(See Chart, Page 2)
3 Credits

Technical Elective
3 Credits

Spring (15 Credits)

General Education
3 Credits

General Education
3 Credits

Design of Aerospace Systems
AerE 462
3 Credits

Technical Elective
3 Credits

Technical Elective
3 Credits

Course Groups

General Education

Aerospace Requirement

Technical Elective

Undergraduate degree program overview

  • AccessDeniedAccess DeniedAACY3SYEX5SW67WQH5lyNL62NzYcHUYh57kx04KiHcTJpiPTn8Ftq2LgyfT+iqF8KyM0OKOfBCgoez/aoXSklimwoyQ=
    Basic Program – 24 credits

Must be completed (Basic Program GPA > 2.0 and Cumulative GPA > 2.0) before 200-Level engineering courses.

Math 165 : Calculus I; 4 credits

Chem 167/177 : Chemistry; 4 credits

AerE 160/H : Engineering Problem Solving; 3 credits

Engr 101 : Engineering Orientation; 0 credits

Math 166 : Calculus II; 4 credits

Phys 231 : Physics I; 5 credits

Engl 150: English 150; 3 credits

Libr 160 : Library Instruction; 1 credit

  • AccessDeniedAccess DeniedAACSJNJD0EVQ8EV0S+O2TQR0kifQBsuxK1eZhDHiDe5Ov5cy9SBvEkMPr90MGAxqPnuaPG9emBRkoi++SyESQSOzZJs=
    English Proficiency – 9 credits

Grade of C or better is required in both ENGL 150 and ENGL 250.

Engl 150 : English Composition I; 3 credits

Engl 250 : English Composition II; 3 credits

Engl 309 or 314 : Technical Communications; 3 credits

  • AccessDeniedAccess DeniedAACSJNJD0EVQ8EV0S+O2TQR0kifQBsuxK1eZhDHiDe5Ov5cy9SBvEkMPr90MGAxqPnuaPG9emBRkoi++SyESQSOzZJs=
    General Education – 12 credits

From list approved by department. Must include U.S. Diversity (3 credits) and International Perspective (3 credits) requirement. Two semester sequence in a single foreign language may be applied per ISU Foreign Language Requirements.

  • AccessDeniedAccess DeniedAACWVGWDTJ5RK23YeSBBzwg2z8DMWD0udKhgMLIR+ZVkywxGqhyxc5Daq1Ml7Ww+bCsN4Dea1FHPqEZyzA23WzB0Otc=
    Aerospace Engineering – 51 credits in 8 areas of study


AerE 310 : Aerodynamics I; 3 credits
AerE 311 : Aerodynamics II; 3 credits
AerE 344 : Aerodynamics/Propulsion Lab; 3 credits


AerE 411 : Propulsion; 3 credits


AerE 321 : Flight Structures; 3 credits
AerE 322 : Aerospace Structures Lab; 2 credits
AerE 421 : Advanced Flight Structures; 3 credits


AerE 355 : Flight Dynamics & Control; 3 credits
AerE 331 : Flight Control Systems; 3 credits


AerE 351 : Astrodynamics; 3 credits

Systems and Design

AerE 261 : Performance and Design; 3 credits
AerE 362 : Aerospace Systems; 3 credits
AerE 461 : Design Methodology; 3 credits
AerE 462 : Design of Aerospace Systems; 3 credits

Software and Numerics

AerE 161/H : Numerical and Graphical Techniques for Aerospace Engineering; 4 credits
AerE 361 : Computational Techniques for Aerospace Design; 3 credits

Astronautics Requirement

One of:
(a) AerE 415 : Rocket Propulsion; 3 credits
(b) AerE 433 : Spacecraft Dynamics and Control; 3 credits

  • KeyTooLongErrorYour key is too long27251024AACK6E7X4EFTNCKWlBuQHqN/yTrA4nqcXCL04u33D4Q3V6HvE8fcWIdYGT9ydGzJth4crf9m3fAJpED5CbH8KAxmiZI=
    Technical Electives – 9 credits

Make to Innovate / Undergraduate Research

AerE 294 – Freshman and Sophomores (credits do not count towards graduation).

AerE 494 – Juniors and Seniors (maximum of 6 credits may count towards graduation). See. Make to Innovate Undergrad Research Coordinator for registration procedure.

Technical Electives

Group-A: Aerospace Electives (3 credits), group-B: Technical/Engineering Electives (3 credits) and group-C:
Career Electives (3 credits). Consult advisers for the current approved technical elective list. Group A electives can be used for Group B and C. Group B electives can be used for group C.